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  • Many Non-Union Colorado School Employees Still Must Opt Out Every Year0

    • June 25, 2013

    June 23-29 has been designated the first-ever National Employee Freedom Week. “National Employee Freedom Week is a national effort to inform union employees of the freedom they have regarding opting out of union membership and making the decision about union membership that’s best for them.” The Independence Institute is one of more than 40 organizations […]

  • National Employee Freedom Week: 3 in 8 Colorado Union Members Want Out0

    • June 24, 2013

    June 23-29 has been designated the first-ever National Employee Freedom Week. “National Employee Freedom Week is a national effort to inform union employees of the freedom they have regarding opting out of union membership and making the decision about union membership that’s best for them.” The Independence Institute is one of more than 40 organizations […]

  • National Employee Freedom Week: 3 in 8 Colorado Union Members Want Out0

    • June 24, 2013

    June 23-29 has been designated the first-ever National Employee Freedom Week. “National Employee Freedom Week is a national effort to inform union employees of the freedom they have regarding opting out of union membership and making the decision about union membership that’s best for them.” The Independence Institute is one of more than 40 organizations […]

  • Louisiana Successfully Revamps Course Choice: Pay Attention, Colorado!0

    • June 20, 2013

    After an earlier hiccup left the innovative program’s status in doubt, I’m excited to see creative Louisiana leaders get the go-ahead for a new plan to launch Course Choice in 2013-14. The state’s Board of Education yesterday approved $2 million in funding for a pilot program that enables secondary students in schools graded C or […]

  • NCTQ’s Report on Teacher Prep Programs Must Do More Than Rattle a Few Cages0

    • June 19, 2013

    Any large-scale effort at serious reform or innovation in K-12 education eventually leads to the vexing question of what to do about teacher preparation, ensuring there are enough effective instructors available. The consensus is fairly widespread that broadly speaking, today’s schools of education just aren’t getting the job done. Released this week, the National Council […]

  • “Particularly Odd” Logic in New Hampshire Ruling Sets Back Tax Credit Choice0

    • June 18, 2013

    At the risk of putting everyone on a neck-jarring roller coaster of education policy emotions, I have to follow up yesterday’s good school choice news from Arizona with a brief account of a New Hampshire disappointment. Whereas the uplift came from an elected state legislature, the downer emerged from the courts. New Hampshire Judge John […]