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  • Heads Up, K-12 Leaders: Open Negotiations Doesn’t Necessarily Mean “Open”0

    • August 5, 2013

    A good reminder when analyzing policies, including in the world of K-12 education, is to take some time to look beneath the surface. A policy may not be exactly what it seems. The inimitable Mike Antonucci recently offered up a telling example. Under the heading “How to Close ‘Open’ Bargaining Sessions”, he points readers to […]

  • Can Colorado Reach Forefront of Student-Centered Digital Learning Policy?0

    • August 2, 2013

    A little disappointed? Yes. Surprised? Not really. I’m talking about digital learning guru Michael Horn’s new Education Next breakdown of 2013 legislative policy changes affecting the world of online education. It’s a long read, but Horn essentially identifies three different trends: More course-level choice and freedom for students; More restrictions on full-time online learning programs; […]

  • Report Begs Question: Why did Colo. SB 213 Neglect Performance-Based Funding?0

    • July 31, 2013

    The list of substantive reforms ignored by backers of SB 213 and the billion-dollar statewide tax hike continues to grow. Today it’s the idea of Performance-Based Funding (PBF), promoted in a brief new Lexington Institute paper. Noting that Florida, Michigan, and Arizona have undertaken steps in this direction, the authors note: What all these efforts […]