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  • Successful Education Reform Much Harder Than Just Passing New Policies0

    • September 30, 2013

    Smart and successful education reform isn’t as easy as many would like it to be. Rick Hess’ thoughtful piece in National Affairs is chocked full of insights that many education policy advocates and insiders know, but few are willing to say. Taking into account these recommendations, it’s time to grow the network and expand the good results that come from not just passing good reform-minded laws, but also from doing the hard work that follows.

  • New Mexico’s State Financial Transparency, Education Leader Shine Brightly0

    • September 27, 2013

    For whatever reason, people in Colorado don’t often think of looking up at New Mexico. And that’s not just because they are below (south of) us on the map. When it comes to education outcomes, we hold the upper hand — spending about the same amount per student, but also having fewer students in poverty […]

  • Campaign “Silly Season” Starts to Emerge in Colorado’s Largest School Districts0

    • September 24, 2013

    For reasons I don’t even have time to get into, big people often call the weeks leading up to an election the “silly season.” Most think of that in terms of presidential or Congressional races. Not so much when school board elections come around, and here in Colorado that’s in the fall of odd-numbered years. […]