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  • Weld County School Districts Stand Out on Safety, Fiscal Sanity, Sound Policy0

    • October 31, 2013

    It’s pretty rare to see a geographically-themed post like this one here. While Weld County has become a focus for some about a debate to secede and create a 51st state, more interesting to me is a series of stories that set apart a number of the county’s school districts. The 12 school districts in […]

  • Teachers Union Leaders Miscalculate in Adams 12, Misbehave in DougCo0

    • October 30, 2013

    The campaign silly season just got sillier. A union-backed school board candidate in Adams 12 was just ruled to be ineligible for office because she lives outside the correct district boundaries. To think, two weeks ago she was most famous for subjecting her toddler son to a Klingon language immersion program. Yesterday’s unexpected development makes […]

  • Lingering Doubts in Preschool Research Give Greater Pause about Amendment 660

    • October 28, 2013

    One of the honest promises put forth by Amendment 66 supporters is that a portion of the funds will go to expanding preschool access for low-income families. The publicly-funded Colorado Preschool Program touts research that shows it’s making a positive difference. But a new Time column by Kay Hymowitz (H/T Joanne Jacobs) reminds us what […]

  • Democrat Groff Backs Dougco Reform, as Vote Fraud Talk Enters Election Fray0

    • October 23, 2013

    Several weeks ago I warned you about the onset of the campaign “silly season.” But then sometimes, like the last 24 hours or so, we get to see how seriously a local school board race can be taken. So seriously, it would seem, that a supporter of the union-backed Douglas County school board candidates was […]

  • Give Teachers Real Membership Choices Minus the Shame and Inconvenience0

    • October 22, 2013

    Michigan Capitol Confidential recently featured a story about teachers union leaders apparently intimidating several educators who opted out of membership after the state adopted its right-to-work law: The MEA 17-B/C union newsletter listed the name of 16 employees from four school districts in the U.P. who decided against paying dues or fees to the union […]

  • Even This Post Might Be Too Much Attention on Common Core Debate0

    • October 21, 2013

    The reason I rarely write about Common Core is the same reason why I’m writing about it today. Huh, you say? America’s fourth most influential Edu-Scholar Eric Hanushek makes a persuasive case in U.S. News: Policymakers and reform advocates alike have rallied around introducing a set of national content standards, suggesting that this will jump-start […]