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  • K-12 Legislative Session Look Opens New Chalkbeat Colorado News Site0

    • January 7, 2014

    Well, that’s new. You get used to the name, and to the appearance, of a website you visit almost on a daily basis. Then one day, a Tuesday early in January, it changes. Ed News Colorado as we knew it is no more, but now is part of a four-state online education news service. From […]

  • Easy for Me to Help Point Colorado Parents to Timely Info on Open Enrollment0

    • January 6, 2014

    I love it when people make my job easier. (What? Ok, no, blogging here isn’t a “job,” child labor laws being what they are and all.) It’s even better when that aid comes from one of my Education Policy Center friends. Marya DeGrow has written two timely posts for the new Colorado School Grades blog […]

  • Can Schools Boost Brain Skills for Reading, Not Just Raise Test Scores?0

    • January 3, 2014

    Thanks once again to the edublog linking queen Joanne Jacobs, a December Scientific American column by psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman caught my attention. And it should yours, too. The author unpacks a study of Boston students that found while some schools improved performance on standardized academic assessments, they didn’t really improve measures of cognitive ability. […]

  • Colorado K-12 Policy and Trends: Eddie’s Eight Emerging Questions for 20140

    • January 2, 2014

    Unbelievably, another new year is already underway, and I’m left to ponder what kind of hopes it holds out for Colorado kids and families seeking the best educational opportunities and outcomes possible. While I recover from the blissful batch of toys, games, and goodies, it seems like a perfect time to ponder what might emerge […]

  • Can Colorado Make K-12 Dollars Clearer?0

    • December 23, 2013

    (H/T Ed News Colorado) Yesterday’s Washington Post posted a story under the headline “Colorado’s Hickenlooper wants to put school budgets online”: “So far, no state’s ever had total transparency on how their tax dollars are spent to every school,” Hickenlooper said in a recent interview. Looking ahead to 2014, it’s encouraging to read about bipartisan […]

  • If This Education Research Were Real, You Might Buy Me a Cool Christmas Gift0

    • December 20, 2013

    ‘Tis the Christmas holiday season, and maybe (just maybe) my last posting of 2013. Nobody’s in school now, and education policy drifts even further from the brain as visions of sugarplums (or actually, new Lego sets) dance in small children’s heads. Nonetheless, the season provides a great opportunity to drive home an important point about […]