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  • Dougco Collision on Testing and Accountability Could Rattle Reform Debate0

    • January 22, 2014

    Have you ever watched a scene in an action movie (in my case, one that’s obviously edited for younger viewers to enjoy) where two cars, or trains, or planes are on a collision course? The characters in the movie may not realize what’s coming, but everyone watching in the theater or at home can sense […]

  • Colorado and Washington, DC: A Tale of Two School Principal Evaluation Systems0

    • January 21, 2014

    Crafting policy often can be much more art than science. Several years back research showed us that educator evaluation systems were not making meaningful distinctions, and that 98 or 99 percent of teachers were rated effective on a two-tier scale. As a result of such findings, the move to update evaluations has been a big […]

  • Jeffco Middle School STEM Discussion Makes Me Scratch My Head0

    • January 17, 2014

    Last night little Eddie was able to drop in on a school board meeting for what was until recently the largest school district in Colorado. That’s right. The Jeffco Board of Education took the show out into the community, coming to the people and giving residents a chance to sign up online to make public […]