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  • School Choice Legislative Debates Spread Across Map; Time for Colorado Kids to Win0

    • March 5, 2014

    The effort to recognize and support families with wider ranges of educational choices continues to move in different states (just not Colorado… for the moment). Empowering parents with options is one side of the coin to get parents motivated and engaged. And the research continues to show choice programs help improve results in what students […]

  • More Time to Study the K-12 Testing Issue Would Be Greatly Beneficial0

    • March 3, 2014

    I’m not sure whether to breathe a grateful sigh of relief, or to sit on the edge of my seat in curious anticipation. Maybe I can do both. Several weeks ago I told you about a possible approaching education reform collision, as the outside-the-box thinkers in Douglas County pushed a bill to give high-performing districts […]

  • Three Online Learning Items Blended Together for Your Friday Enjoyment0

    • February 28, 2014

    It’s Friday, time for my version of the Dagwood sandwich, the supreme pizza, or burrito with everything (please!). The only difference is this hodgepodge is going to be about online and blended learning. I’ll leave it up to you to find a way to “blend” all the pieces together before pouring some chili sauce on […]