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  • Watching Student Data Privacy Issue Means Not Watching Student Data0

    • March 27, 2014

    Let the truth be known, I have a larger online footprint than your average youngster. There’s plenty you can glean about Eddie just from this site, including that I’m a fictional longtime 5-year-old who likes Legos, football, and video games; considers myself an exceptionally gifted blogger; and has a unique obsession with keeping an eye […]

  • Opponents’ Best Shot? Maybe Thompson Should Look at Innovating Educator Pay0

    • March 25, 2014

    A month ago my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow wrote a Greeley Tribune op-ed, explaining that some local school board leaders have picked up the ball dropped by state lawmakers and are making progress on rewarding top-notch educators. He noted work going on in Jefferson County, Mesa 51, and Adams 12. But based on […]

  • Colo. Digital Learning Policy Alternate Route Gives Some Spring Break Hope0

    • March 24, 2014

    Have you ever tried to plan a trip to an important new destination? Maybe it was a long road trip for SPRING BREAK or a family vacation or a visit to an old friend who moved to a new town. You program your GPS, or at least make a search on Google Maps first. (Back […]

  • Time to Go Wild: Legal Win for Kids Helped by Arizona’s Cutting-Edge ESAs0

    • March 21, 2014

    Most Fridays I just want to get up, stick my tongue out, yell, and run around like a wild man. Hey, I’m a kid, it’s okay to be crazy. Sometimes it’s a frustrated, “I can’t take it any more”-kind of crazy. Today, it’s a feeling of relief turned into exhilaration. The Federation for Children delivers […]

  • Student Success Act Soap Opera Gears Up for Shift to Wilder Ride in Senate0

    • March 20, 2014

    Colorado education’s political soap opera continues. But the latest episode is more about building suspense than revealing any dastardly motives or other clever plot twists. This time it’s the so-called Student Success Act (aka House Bill 1292), which cleared a key hurdle yesterday with an 11-1 vote in the House Education Committee. The protests against […]

  • New York City Mayor’s Attack on Charter Schools Enough to Give Me Nightmares0

    • March 18, 2014

    As a rule, my parents aren’t too keen on letting little me watch any horror movies. Too much violence, gore, and just plain scary stuff. But they haven’t been able to shield my eyes from the horror that is the new mayor of New York City’s attack on successful public charter schools and the students […]