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  • Breath of Fresh Air: Teachers Stand Up Against Tenure Lawsuit, Union Bullying0

    • April 18, 2014

    It’s a special Friday. For various reasons, you probably have, or at least should have, other things to think about than what I might tell you about the world of K-12 education. But here are a couple observations to share that remind us all teachers are not in lockstep with a certain group’s efforts to […]

  • Cheering for New Hampshire Kids to Win Their Day in (the Supreme) Court0

    • April 17, 2014

    Welcome aboard, Little Eddie’s Virtual Airlines. Yesterday we made a landing in Kansas while skillfully avoiding the munchkins. Today the blog wheels touch down in the Northeast, where oral arguments in an important state supreme court case very recently took place. Back in 2012 New Hampshire became one of the 13 (soon to be 14) […]

  • How to Avoid the Munchkins: A Little Tenure Reform Advice for Kansas0

    • April 16, 2014

    The teachers union may have ordered the death of its own bill to weaken mutual consent for teacher placement. But HB 1268‘s twin, the CEA’s lawsuit to enshrine tenure protections as a state constitutional right, lives on. Meanwhile, a glimpse across the eastern border reveals the winds surrounding this debate are blowing in a very […]

  • Large-Scale Class Size Reduction Doesn’t Work: More Moderation, Please0

    • April 15, 2014

    A wise person once told me: Everything in moderation… including moderation. I’ve spent years trying to make complete sense out of that, but the point is some people can go overboard with certain ideas. That’s just as true in the education policy arena as anywhere else. One of those discussions surrounds the happy talk of […]

  • Testing, Data Issues around Common Core Alive and Kicking in Colorado0

    • April 11, 2014

    Four weeks ago I posed the question: Are the wheels starting to come off Common Core in Colorado? It seems no less to be the case now than it did then. As I’ve stated before, the real concern comes down to limiting federal influence in our K-12 schools. On the other side of the equation, […]

  • Another ADM Study? HB 1292 Student Success Act Soap Opera Plays Rerun0

    • April 9, 2014

    The political soap opera of Colorado K-12 education is hard enough to watch. When you add in a rerun, it’s even harder to stomach. Today the state house adopted on 2nd reading House Bill 1292, known popularly as the “Student Success Act.” My modest hopes for this proposal focused on moving Colorado to a student-focused […]