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  • School Choice Supply and Demand: Improving Both Sides of the Equation0

    • July 10, 2014

    Promoting school choice is a means to an end. Namely? Opportunity for all kids to learn and meet their potential in an educational environment that best suits them, accelerating them toward their maximum academic and social potential. I talk here a lot about school choice, and the power of my parents being able to select […]

  • Colorado Starts New School Finance Lawsuit: How Different than Lobato?0

    • July 8, 2014

    Back at the end of May I told you about another school finance lawsuit looming in Colorado. Even as my Education Policy Center friends were helping me write that, I could almost hear the distant strains of anguish. Lobato was floating out there for nearly eight years… do we really have to endure the same […]

  • Dougco Choice Spirit on Display with Aspiring Florida School Board Leader0

    • July 3, 2014

    Writing over at redefinED today, Travis Pillow features a Floridian named Brian Graham, a school choice supporter who is running for his local Board of Education: If he’s successful this fall, he will join the small but growing ranks of school board members around the state – including his friend Jason Fischer in neighboring Duval […]

  • Would Letting Kids Sleep In More Help Academic Results? Please Say Yes0

    • July 1, 2014

    You know one thing I’m thankful for? My Education Policy Center friends never order a wake-up call to get me out of bed early so they can help me write this blog. Little prodigies like me need all the sleep we can (though I try not to concede that argument when my mom tells me […]

  • Friedman Survey Finds Big Shift on Standardized Testing, Not to Mention….0

    • June 30, 2014

    For someone who has what some would consider an unhealthy fascination with education surveys, it has been awhile since I really delved into one of them. Back then, the big concern was about PDK/Gallup’s wording of a key question about school choice — adding the ominous phrase “at public expense.” This latest survey of a […]

  • Holyoke’s Pursuit of Innovation Status Raises Real Questions to Answer0

    • June 25, 2014

    Among the big people around me, there’s a fair amount of cheering and groaning and Monday morning quarterbacking. Apparently, that’s what the day after a primary election does to you. I’ll leave the politics to them, and spend just a few moments on an interesting story that slipped in last week. Chalkbeat Colorado’s Kate Schimel […]