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  • Evaluation Valuation: Goals, Issues, and Questions for the Coming Year0

    • August 5, 2014

    To students like me, teachers are mythical creatures. Sure, I see them every day, but I can’t see behind the proverbial curtain. I don’t know how they judge their success or failure in different areas, how well they are serving their students as a whole, or how they communicate information about their teaching performance to […]

  • Adults Say the Darndest Things, Too: Jeffco Anti-Charter Edition0

    • August 1, 2014

    One night, not too long ago, when I made one of my off-the-wall education prodigy remarks, my dad just smiled and replied, “Kids say the darndest things.” Apparently, there used to be a TV show by that name — or so my grandpa once told me. The premise was to take advantage of youthful innocence […]

  • Gamblin’ for Children0

    • July 30, 2014

    My father always told me that nothing says “kid-friendly” like a day of gamblin’ at the ol’ horse track. Coloradans for Better Schools, the backers of Initiative 135, agree. And just this week, it was reported that the initiative has received enough signatures to appear on the ballot in November. Everyone, say hello to Amendment […]

  • Let’s Grow Colorado K-12 Course Access But NOT Reinvent the Wheel0

    • July 29, 2014

    Give me Legos, Play-doh, or just a pile of rocks and sticks, and I’ll create something. If you want to know what some of my crazy inventions have been, just ask my poor mom. But let me tell you one thing I haven’t tried to do, and that’s reinvent the wheel. I’m sure the members […]

  • 1000s Embrace Florida K-12 Choice: When Can Colorado Kids Win, Too?0

    • July 25, 2014

    I hope you haven’t forgotten about helping Colorado Kids Win (including giving the Facebook page a “Like”). After all, it’s been two whole weeks since I’ve reminded you about the benefits of K-12 scholarship tax credits that our state’s kids could really use. And you know that this particular little kid will use almost any […]

  • Overconfidence, Low Expectations, Little Innovation: Not a Good Mixture0

    • July 23, 2014

    Remember that clip from the ages-old education documentary Waiting for Superman, where we’re told that American students are behind the pack in math in almost any way you measure it, except for one: Yes, when it comes to students’ classroom confidence (“I get good marks in mathematics”), a much different story emerges: The USA is […]