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  • Michigan Judge Calls Out Union Opt-Out Policy as Unfair to Teachers0

    • September 5, 2014

    My dad once told me a story about when he was a little kid, not much older than I am now. He saw one of the bigger kids on the school playground holding a few of the smaller kids’ lunch money hostage. This bully said he had taken their money for the privilege of being […]

  • Make Progress, Not War: Thompson’s Golden Opportunity for Change0

    • September 4, 2014

    Cooperation is the key to success. It sounds trite, I know. In my world, most major arguments are settled with wrestling matches or food fights. In grown-up land, however, those aren’t always viable options (or are they?). No, adults have to learn to work together even when they don’t want to. Maybe especially when they […]

  • Brookings: Superintendents Don’t Make Big Impact on Student Learning0

    • September 3, 2014

    What exactly should we expect of Colorado’s school district leaders? With a title like SUPERintendent, are we expecting too much of what they can accomplish? What difference does it make for what students in a district learn to have an experienced superintendent as opposed to someone new at the helm? A brand-new Brookings study strongly […]

  • Getting Back to the Core of the Common Core Debate0

    • September 2, 2014

    Arguments happen. We all know that. But we should also know that if we aren’t careful, those arguments can creep away from their original subject (and reality) as they gain steam. That, my friends, is how we wind up in messy food fights instead of constructive conversations. As it is in life, so it is […]

  • Jeffco Board Steps Up to Reward Outstanding Teachers0

    • August 29, 2014

    Like a lot of kids my age, I get a weekly allowance. It may not seem like much to you, but five bucks buys me an awful lot of valuable stuff (mostly candy). But my allowance isn’t unconditional; I get more when I’m good than when I’m bad. I get more for good grades than […]

  • New Hampshire Ruling for Kids & Tax Credits Makes Me Smile Wider0

    • August 28, 2014

    “Good news for educational freedom!” Words that can light up my day, right up there with “Free Legos” and “of course, you can have another scoop of Superman ice cream.” (Sadly, too many kids are left Waiting for Superman… Okay, okay. Enough groaning already.) Specifically, the latest good news comes compliments of the “merry band […]