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  • COSFP’s School Funding, Instruction Story Not So Spooky with All the Facts0

    • October 28, 2014

    Yesterday I shared a really interesting survey-based analysis by Dr. Martin West that strongly suggests the average American has a good handle on how well their local schools perform, but a lot less accurate picture of how well their local schools are funded. On average, voters underestimate how much is spent per pupil by their […]

  • Americans Understand Their Schools, Just Not School Finance0

    • October 27, 2014

    All things considered, I think my school is pretty good. It’s got monkey bars, snack time, culturally enriching field trips, and shiny blue fish stickers. Oh, and my dad went there. If you’re thinking that those things aren’t very convincing measures of overall school quality, you’re right. Yet for a long time, factors like these […]

  • Buckle Up for the Ride, Colorado: The Testing Issue Isn’t Going Away Soon0

    • October 24, 2014

    Tests in schools, tests in schools. Why do I have a strange sort of feeling this issue isn’t riding off quietly into the sunset any time soon? First, we’ve got the entire hot mess known as Common Core (or maybe we should just follow Governor Hickenlooper’s advice and rename it “Colorado Core”?) and the new […]

  • Building a Well-Rounded Education: Field Trips and Hamlet with Dr. Jay Greene0

    • October 23, 2014

    Sometimes my mom pokes fun at my dad for being a little portly. His response is always the same: “I’m just a well-rounded individual.” But while my dad’s goal (every year) is to make himself narrower around the middle, that may be exactly the opposite of what we want to see in our children’s education. […]

  • Silly Season Won’t Last, So Find Out Candidate Stances on Key K-12 Issues0

    • October 22, 2014

    Oh, it’s the silliest, silliest season of the year. How do I know? My grandpa muttering under his breath when one more irritating political ad interrupts his otherwise enjoyable viewing of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. And the other night my mom crumpling up the latest campaign attack flier that came in our mailbox and […]

  • COLA Wars: Yesterday’s Colorado Supreme Court Ruling on PERA0

    • October 21, 2014

    My parents don’t often let me drink soda, but I like to think of myself as a Coca-Cola guy. Pepsi just doesn’t quite do it for me. And don’t even get me started on the off-brand colas. Big K Cola? Yuck! I have to admit, though, that I haven’t yet tasted this PERA COLA thing […]