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  • Apathy, Confusion, and Survey Data: What the Numbers Really Tell Us0

    • November 4, 2014

    I was going to write about an interesting article I read on ADHD, school choice, and blended learning today, but then I was distracted by a very interesting blog post on Americans’ understanding of education policy—or lack thereof. The irony of being distracted from writing about and ADHD article is not lost on me, but […]

  • Antonucci Reminds Us to Be Skeptical of Union Leaders’ Pleas to Change0

    • October 31, 2014

    From the spooky to the smile-inducing to the skeptical, welcome to Eddie’s roller coaster world of education policy commentary. Skeptical, you say? What am I talking about? The article of the week for you to read comes from Education Next and America’s most well-informed and honest observer of all things related to the National Education […]

  • Tools of Choice: Dougco’s Press for Informed Parental Decisions0

    • October 30, 2014

    Making choices is tough. Would Spiderman or Batman win in a fight? Should I have ice cream for dessert, or should I have ice cream and candy for dessert? What should I do with my finger after picking my nose? Should I ask for a smaller present on both my birthday and Christmas, or should […]