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  • Teacher Training, Licensure, Evaluation, Pay: Fix ‘Em All (and Do It Right)0

    • November 21, 2014

    It’s been more than a week now since I thankfully resisted the urge to “blow up” education schools. In the meantime, my remarks about teacher preparation have been vindicated — both the tone of urgency and the “moderate” but serious approach to addressing the issue. Let’s start with the urgency. The National Council on Teacher […]

  • Positive Movement in Jeffco: A Welcome Change0

    • November 20, 2014

    It’s Thursday, and that means it’s Jefferson County day for yours truly. Okay, I made the Thursday thing up just now, but we are indeed going to talk about Jeffco. Don’t suit up and brace yourselves for more negativity quite yet, though; today’s post will isn’t about teacher sick-outs, student protests, or an inexplicable disdain […]

  • Customized Success: New Study Hints at the Power of Personalized Learning0

    • November 18, 2014

    Earlier this month, I wrote about some new brain science (sorry for the technical terminology) highlighting the potential benefits of personalized learning for children with ADHD. And as if that wasn’t interesting enough, I soon discovered another juicy piece of new research on personalized learning in charter schools. Before I could really chow down on […]

  • Dougco Shakes It Up Again By Earning State’s Top Accreditation Rating0

    • November 14, 2014

    There was a time when my former perpetually 5-year-old self was busy writing a lot about Douglas County. The ebb and flow of news and activity has changed that somewhat, though there have been opportunities of late to talk about my Education Policy Center friends chiming in to the courts on the Choice Scholarship Program, […]

  • For More Educational Freedom, I’ll Give Up (Figurative) Ed School Explosions0

    • November 11, 2014

    Explosions are cool effects to watch in the world of make-believe. But blowing things up in real life is generally a bad idea with lots of potentially bad consequences. Somebody could get hurt. So it’s probably not surprising that I got a reaction from Rick Hess’s latest blog piece, “A Better Path than ‘Blowing Up’ Schools of Education.”

  • Despite Satisfactory Resolution, Jeffco Curriculum Controversy Limps On0

    • November 10, 2014

    If there’s one thing being a perpetual five year old has taught me, it’s that you have to know when to let something go. Continually bringing up the same thing may get you some attention, but in the long run it’s likely to do more harm than good. That’s especially true when you’ve already gotten […]