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  • Wisconsin Postmortem: More on Teachers, Unions, and Where It’s All Headed0

    • June 6, 2012

    Yesterday I shared some thoughts about the current and coming changes to public education labor relations and the teaching profession. And since Gov. Scott Walker did indeed pull out a convincing win last night in Wisconsin, interest in the topic remains strong.
    State Budget Solutions has put together a great brief highlighting why current government […]

  • Wisconsin & Douglas County (CO): Key Moment for Professional Teaching, Reform?0

    • June 5, 2012

    So I hear there’s this little election going on in Wisconsin today. As is so often the case, the political happenings are closely connected to the issues of our public school system. One of the nation’s leading education reform voices, RiShawn Biddle, has written a two-part series (here and here) highlighting the dilemma centrist Democrats […]

  • What Will High-Paying Boulder Valley Get for Boosting New Teacher Salaries?0

    • June 4, 2012

    What if I told you the Colorado school district with the second-highest average teacher salaries just dramatically increased compensation for new hires and is still figuring out how to pay for it?
    A few days ago the Boulder Daily Camera reported that the Boulder Valley School District agreed to boost starting teacher salaries to one of […]