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  • Nevada Group Notifies Clark County Teachers of Brief Opt-Out Window, Membership Options0

    • July 10, 2012

    Every year the Independence Institute reaches out to Colorado teachers to let them know about their options, particularly the right of union members to receive a rebate of political funds collected along with their dues. This year the Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) has followed suit with a notice to teachers in their state’s largest […]

  • Coulson in Wall St. Journal: Too Many Teachers Means Time for Tax Credits0

    • July 10, 2012

    Even though it’s the middle of the summer, your (no, really, it will be fun) homework assignment is to read the new Wall Street Journal guest opinion column by the Cato Institute’s Andrew Coulson:
    Since 1970, the public school workforce has roughly doubled—to 6.4 million from 3.3 million—and two-thirds of those new hires are teachers or […]

  • NEA Delegates Fight Their Own Power; Pres. Obama Phones In from Underwater?0

    • July 6, 2012

    While I was gone fishing, the National Education Association had its annual representative assembly. Apparently, nothing took place there like in 2009, when the outgoing NEA general counsel proclaimed the union’s true priorities. Actually, it’s more along the spirit of last year, though, when NEA delegates took both sides in the debate over using value-added […]

  • Would More States Adopt School Choice If I Took Blogging Breaks More Often?0

    • July 5, 2012

    I left you with a school choice summertime smile, took a couple weeks to bask in the sun, only to return to find a host of good news on which to report:

    A bipartisan group of New Hampshire legislators overrode their governor’s veto to enact a brand-new tax credit scholarship program — the Cato Institute’s Adam […]

  • Quiet D.C. Scholarship Program Expansion Gives Me a Summertime Smile0

    • June 20, 2012

    Anyone who has followed my opinions here for awhile knows that I’m a big fan of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which provides real choices to a small number of needy students in our nation’s capital. Well, I had to smile because the Washington Post reports this week that leaders from both parties in Congress […]

  • No More Middleman: Find Your Colorado School Bargaining Agreements0

    • June 19, 2012

    I am young and energetic, and have pretty keen eyes. But sometimes things slip past me. I admit it (or maybe I just could cast the blame on my Education Policy Center friends… they have pretty big shoulders). In this case, it slipped through during Colorado’s recent legislative session. House Bill 1240 was advertised as […]