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  • Latest Filings in Lobato Case Remind of Need for Real School Finance Reform0

    • July 19, 2012

    Ed News reports that the State of Colorado has laid out its detailed argument in the appeal of the Lobato school funding case. Former governors of both political stripes joined the University of Colorado Board of Regents and a coalition of business leaders in submitting their formal backing with the State and against the lawsuit:
    The […]

  • “Teacher Who Couldn’t Read” Addresses Literacy at Next Brown Bag Lunch0

    • July 18, 2012

    That last Brown Bag Lunch back in April — the one with Marcus Winters, author of Teachers Matter — was such a success that my Education Policy Center friends are excited to introduce the second Brown Bag Lunch, coming soon:
    This year’s signature education legislation, the Colorado READ Act, has shined the light on the need […]

  • Douglas County Aftermath Means Time to Inform about Teacher Member Options0

    • July 17, 2012

    So no more union monopoly collective bargaining agreement exists for teachers in Colorado’s third-largest school district… Now what? Change certainly isn’t easy. And the group losing its prestigious status, in this case the Douglas County Federation of Teachers, isn’t just going to walk away quietly into the shadows.
    The largest teachers union, NEA, already is […]

  • Choice Media K12 Video Reminds Colorado It’s Time to Move Ahead on Digital Learning0

    • July 13, 2012

    Friday means I’m taking it easy, and leaving the work up to Choice Media TV’s Bob Bowdon, who interviewed Jeff Kwitowski of K12, Inc., to talk about online education in this 8-minute video:

    K12’s Colorado Virtual Academy (COVA) is the state’s largest provider among many online schools parents can choose. COVA mom Lori Cooney notes that […]

  • State Data Show Colorado 10-Year K-12 Funding Trends Still Going Up0

    • July 12, 2012

    Not many people out there get the joy out of school funding figures, but understanding them clearly is crucial to the debate. Part of the problem? Depending on which source you look at, per-pupil spending and revenue data don’t always line up, something my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow pointed out in his 2006 […]

  • AFT Union Pins Fading Hopes on State Intervention to Save Power in Dougco0

    • July 11, 2012

    As of July 1, following the collective bargaining agreement’s expiration, Colorado’s 60,000-student Douglas County School District became the state’s largest without a recognized teachers union. The ball is in the court of Governor Hickenlooper and his appointed labor department director after the AFT’s request for state intervention. Since the legal foundation for the request is not very strong, Colorado may be looking at a breakthrough moment in the K-12 education profession.