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Signing_of_Constitution_Chandler_Christy_smThe Constitutional Studies Center combines careful, objective scholarship into the original understanding of the Constitution with advocacy for human freedom under law. It produces books, issue papers, articles, and legal briefs reporting the results of its research. Since 2010, the Center has had enormous influence on constitutional law cases and commentary, but also on policy makers and grass roots activists. For example, the Center’s research findings galvanized the massive and growing “Article V” movement to restore constitutional limits on the federal government.

Latest Posts

  • Electoral College: Answers to Questions

    Electoral College: Answers to Questions0

    • December 11, 2016

    Here are answers to some questions I’ve gotten about the Electoral College since Election Day: Q. What is the Electoral College? A. It’s not an educational institution! The term “college” is a typical 18th century latinate usage, based on the Latin word “collegium,” meaning a club or guild. (This another example of why knowledge of

  • Ebenezer Hazard: Forgotten Founder

    Ebenezer Hazard: Forgotten Founder0

    • December 6, 2016

    An earlier version of this article first appeared in Townhall.com. When we celebrate leading American founders such as George Washington and James Madison, we sometimes overlook their talented colleagues. One of these was Ebenezer Hazard. As postmaster general under the Articles of Confederation, he helped bind the country together. As a historical editor, he preserved precious

  • Did Congress Approve the Constitution? A Member’s Letter Says “Yes”

    Did Congress Approve the Constitution? A Member’s Letter Says “Yes”0

    • November 28, 2016

    Some people argue the Constitution was adopted illegally. They assert that the Confederation Congress needed to approve the document, but never did. But principles of law tell us that they are wrong. So does a rarely-mentioned letter from a member of the Confederation Congress. It is true that most (not all) of the resolutions by

  • For our Montana viewers… on the Montana Supreme Court

    For our Montana viewers… on the Montana Supreme Court0

    • November 7, 2016

    Because of a contested election for the Montana Supreme Court, I’m making available again a study of the court’s odd recent history.

  • This Resolution Suggests Congress Did Agree to a Broad Constitutional Convention0

    • October 27, 2016

    On April 23, 1787, the Confederation Congress extended the post office franking privilege to all commissioners about to attend the Constitutional Convention. In other words, Congress gave to convention delegates the same privilege to send and receive free mail its own members enjoyed. Why is that important? Because it tends to show that Congress accepted

  • Changed Conditions May Justify Term Limits0

    • October 18, 2016

    This is the full version of an op-ed  first appearing in the Detroit Daily News. Advocates for term limits want to amend the Constitution to add them. Their most common argument is that restricting how long an elected official may serve will curb special interest influence and other federal abuse. The Articles of Confederation, the document


Get the latest edition of the popular work, The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant. You can buy it in either hard copy or Kindle form here.


Rob Natelson, Senior Fellow, Constitutional Jurisprudence
Email: rob.natelson1@gmail.com
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 114
