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  • Originalist Research Guide Updated0

    • October 2, 2016

    Scholarly investigation into our Constitution’s actual meaning—or, more precisely, into the Constitution’s legal force immediately after adoption—commonly is called “originalist” research. Until fairly recently, the quality of originalist research was fairly low. Most of it was conducted by law professors with little background in historical method or in founding-era language or social conditions. Moreover, most

  • First Amendment Protection is for More Than Political Speech0

    • September 9, 2016

    This article was first published in CNS News. The modern U.S. Supreme Court grants more First Amendment protection to political discourse than to other forms of expression, such as commercial advertising. The court holds that political discourse enjoys a “preferred position.” The preferred position doctrine is taught in the nation’s law schools, so many lawyers

  • Rob and “The Original Constitution”0

    • August 12, 2016

    Rob discusses why he wrote his popular book, The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant, in this Independence Institute Freedom Minute.