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  • Where is the Power to Suspend Habeas Corpus?0

    • August 18, 2013

    The Constitution’s Suspension Clause (Art. I, Section 9, cl. 2) limits when the writ of habeas corpus can be suspended. But the Constitution doesn’t seem to grant the federal government power to suspend the writ in the first place. Why not? And why limit a power never given? In an Aug. 17 Wall Street Journal

  • Mark Levin's New Book on Amendments0

    • August 18, 2013

    I have received many requests that I review radio talk-show host Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. Although I favor adopting one or more amendments to restore the federal government to constitutional limits, I generally do not take positions on specific proposed amendments. My mission is to research our Constitution and educate others about

  • Breakdown in the Americans’ Respect for the Rule of Law?0

    • July 16, 2013

    Some commentators and compilers have sensed what they believe is a weakening of the rule of law in the United States.  I’ve documented an example in one state. Conduct surrounding the George Zimmerman case provides additional cause for concern, including prejudicial comments by President Obama and rioting subsequent to acquittal. To his credit, President Obama