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  • Obama’s Ebola Order: Is it Constitutional to Send Troops to Hand out “Home Health Kits” in Africa?0

    • September 19, 2014

    The Constitution says that the president “shall be Commander in Chief of the Army . . . of the United States.” Does that give him authority to utilize our armed forces for a purely non-military purpose like addressing the Ebola outbreak in Africa? The Denver Post thinks so, editorializing that Obama’s decision is “fully justified.”

  • The Constitution on Latin TV (And by “Latin,” we don’t mean Latin American)0

    • September 12, 2014

    Institute Research Director Dave Kopel has long urged me to do a broadcast production on the Constitution in the Latin language, and now it’s here! Produced by II web monkey Justin Longo, the program features an interview of me by my daughter Sarah on the American Founding and the nature of the Constitution. Sarah, 23,

  • The Founders as Mythology0

    • September 7, 2014

    Recently when commenting on how Americans view the Founding, an associate of mine observed that in many people’s minds the Founders had become mythological rather than historical figures. That is, many people routinely ascribe ideas and actions—both good and bad, wise and stupid—to them that have little to do with historical reality or even human