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  • More Evidence That Warren Burger Was Defending Roe v. Wade When He Opposed A Convention of States0

    • May 6, 2015

    More evidence has turned up that the late Chief Justice Warren Burger was defending his Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade when he wrote three letters opposing the Article V convention process. Burger’s letters frequently are cited as authority by opponents of a “convention of states.” However, in an earlier posting I noted that the

  • Obamacare’s Constitutionality and the Origination Clause: New Evidence0

    • April 27, 2015

    This article originally appeared at the American Thinker. One of the constitutional disputes triggered by the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is whether by substituting new material for the original House-passed bill (H.R. 3590), the Senate exceeded its constitutional power to amend the original measure. This, in turn, has provoked a debate over whether the Founders

  • So What is This “Amendments Convention” Thing? A Quick Intro0

    • April 9, 2015

    Are you a journalist or other citizen who needs a quick overview of the Constitution’s Article V “Convention for Proposing Amendments?” Get our issue paper, “Curing Federal Dysfunction by Constitutional Amendment: A Primer.” It’s a vital resource for anyone who wants a quick and accurate overview of the process. It explains what a Convention for

  • The Principles of the Common Law0

    • April 3, 2015

    Although the Constitution is not, strictly speaking, a common law document, it was written against the backdrop of common law. The term “common law” has various meanings, but the meaning I’m using here is the system of case law we inherited from England, including the bodies of jurisprudence known as admiralty and equity. That system

  • How Liberal Propagandists Fooled Conservatives into Opposing an Amendments Convention0

    • March 26, 2015

    This article originally appeared at CNS News. Some conservative groups have become known for uncompromising opposition to the Constitution’s convention method of proposing constitutional amendments. They may think they are protecting the republic. But it turns out that they are mostly carrying water for the liberal establishment. New research shows that nearly all the arguments

  • Why the Senators’ Letter to Iran Was Both Appropriate and Legally Necessary0

    • March 16, 2015

    This article first appeared at the American Thinker website. Suppose you are in a general partnership with Smith. Smith handles day-to-day management, subject to your approval. But recently, he’s been acting somewhat high-handedly. Without consulting you, Smith is busy negotiating a contract with Macropus International Corp., a company notorious for unscrupulous practices. Smith has made