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Colo. SB11-200: Shawn Mitchell on opposing state-run insurance exchange

State Representative Shawn Mitchell writes:

Opponents [of government-run exchanges] fear that exchanges are just the next layer: a government solution to government problems. But it’s worse than déjà vu. Exchanges are likely to exacerbate the problem of political distortion. They concentrate heath care issues into a perfect little shooting gallery that will prove irresistible to politicians, bureaucrats and rent-seekers. …

[T]here’s no escaping that [government-run] exchanges are a cog in the machinery of Obamacare. States are mandated to make their own or be defaulted into the federal exchange. Proponents argue this proves we should pass SB 200 and establish a Colorado exchange rather than be governed by bureaucrats from Washington. But opponents see that acting now is submitting to the policies and the premises of Obamacare. If it’s established—and accepted—that Washington has the power and authority to control national health care and mandate the purchase of insurance, there will be no stopping the grab. …

Here’s a better idea. Why doesn’t government pare back the distortions it inflicts in the real world, instead of trying to create a new and better playing field in a legislated world? Free choice in goods and services spontaneously creates some amazing “exchanges,” efficiencies, innovations and advances.

Read more: A critical moment to oppose health exchange.