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How I came to stop fearing guns and embrace the Second Amendment

How I came to stop fearing guns and embrace the Second Amendment

by Jon Caldara

I used to hate guns, even giving money to anti-gun organizations. Today I am a life member of the National Rife Association.

The tale of my transition from “we need reasonable regulation” to “out of my cold dead hands” is not meant to convert gun control advocates to gun rights supporters, because no one column will ever do that. And that’s my point. No bumper sticker, Facebook post, Tweet or talkshow rant will change the mind of someone who feels the way I felt — that it’s insane to oppose gun limits. The only way to change someone’s anti-gun viewpoint is to slowly, and personally engage them and take them through the long process.

Read the whole article originally published in The Hill on October 11, 2017.