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  • Overcome with Excitement Today: Appeals Court Revives Dougco Choice Program!0

    • February 28, 2013

    I am going to be catching my breath all day, I’m so excited by this fantastic news from the Colorado Court of Appeals today: DENVER—The Independence Institute, Colorado’s leading pro-freedom policy voice, praised today’s decision to restore a groundbreaking school choice program previously struck down by a Denver judge. The Colorado Court of Appeals today […]

  • Appeals Court Panel Renews Dougco Families’ Hopes0

    • February 28, 2013

    The Independence Institute, Colorado’s leading pro-freedom policy voice, praised today’s decision to restore a groundbreaking school choice program previously struck down by a Denver judge.

  • Hip KIPP, Hooray! Major Research Shows Big Learning Gains for Challenged Students0

    • February 28, 2013

    A powerful research report released today from a big study confirms what anyone paying attention to the urban charter school movement already should have noticed. KIPP produces big gains for students: KIPP middle schoolers learn significantly more than comparison students, concludes a report by Mathematica Policy Research on 43 schools in 13 states plus the […]