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  • Mass transit is collapsing everywhere

    Mass transit is collapsing everywhere0

    • May 15, 2018

    Nationwide transit ridership in March 2018 was 5.9 percent below March 2017, according to the latest data published by the Federal Transit Administration. Following three years of steady declines, these numbers present a dire picture of the nation’s transit industry. Ridership declined in all of the nation’s 38 largest urban areas (and the 39th, Providence,

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 03-23-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 03-23-170

    • March 23, 2017

    Lately, I have felt very loved by the editorial section of the Denver Post! Regarding our proposal to force the state legislature to do their damn jobs and Fix Our Damn Roads by re-prioritizing an obscene, unimaginable 2% of the budget towards roads, the editorial board wrote, “What our bungled state budget doesn’t need is

  • RTD finally deserves a compliment

    RTD finally deserves a compliment0

    • December 1, 2016

    by Jon Caldara As you may know, I have a hard time giving RTD a compliment. But they’ve earned one. My political career started when I was elected to the Regional Transportation District board in 1994, where I later became chairman. I was quick to realize that not only does RTD do little to increase