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  • Ownership of Federal Land: Answers Suggested by the Bundy Standoff0

    • April 25, 2014

    The Bundy stand-off in Nevada has induced several people to ask me about the extent to which the federal government can own land, at least under the Constitution’s intended meaning. As it happens, in 2005 I studied the issue in depth, and published the following article: Federal Land Retention and the Constitution’s Property Clause: The

  • Sources for Understanding the Constitution's Original Force0

    • November 13, 2013

    Would you like to examine some of the documents we use to better understand the original Constitution? Several years ago, I wrote the first Internet essay on how to find the sources vital to interpreting the Constitution as the Founders intended it to be. I have just updated that essay. It is called A Bibliography

  • Sources for Understanding the Constitution’s Original Force0

    • November 13, 2013

    Would you like to examine some of the documents we use to better understand the original Constitution? Several years ago, I wrote the first Internet essay on how to find the sources vital to interpreting the Constitution as the Founders intended it to be. I have just updated that essay. It is called A Bibliography