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  • Energy and Land Use: A Sober Look at the Space Needed to Power the Future

    Energy and Land Use: A Sober Look at the Space Needed to Power the Future0

    • August 1, 2022

    Much of the conversation surrounding energy policy in Colorado these days has to do primarily with the emissions currently being produced and ways to continue reducing said emissions. The arguments over the role of various energy sources in getting to a decarbonized future are familiar at this point. But there has been comparatively little discussion

  • LISTEN: Governor Polis’ 2022 Budget with Ben Murrey

    LISTEN: Governor Polis’ 2022 Budget with Ben Murrey0

    • February 10, 2022

    Governor Jared Polis released his FY2022-23 budget proposal in November 2021. On December 2, Independence Institute’s Fiscal Policy Director Ben Murrey went on KLZ 560 AM in Denver to speak with host Kim Monson and discuss the governor’s budget, the massive expansion in state revenues over the past decade, and the economic outlook for the

  • A Path to Zero Income Tax for Colorado0

    • November 16, 2021

    When an interviewer recently asked Colorado’s Democratic governor Jared Polis what the state’s income-tax rate should be, he answered without hesitation: “It should be zero.” For many Coloradans, this came as no surprise: The effort to chisel away at the income tax has already gained steam in the state. Last year, voters reduced the tax