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  • Meet Colorado’s New PPI Report Card, Same as the Old PPI Report Card0

    • August 21, 2015

    It’s Friday again, my friends, and that means it’s time for a more colorful look at education policy as we head into the weekend. I really wanted to highlight the American Federation for Children’s “Education Revolution” video, which was released a couple months ago but only just made it to my desk. But you’ll have […]

  • On Pay for Performance and Using the Right Yardstick0

    • July 29, 2015

    Pay for performance (PFP) is an incredibly hotly debated facet of education reform. I’ve never really quite understood that because, well, rewarding folks for doing great work strikes me as common sense. I mean, I get more allowance money if I do my chores well, and not so much if I “clean my room” by […]

  • Colorado Supremes Reject Dougco Choice Program0

    • June 29, 2015

    The Independence Institute, Colorado’s leading pro-freedom policy voice, is deeply disappointed by today’s legal setback against a groundbreaking school choice program, but sees a small ray of hope for students who seek more quality learning options.