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  • Supreme Court’s gay cake case is about a lack of religious tolerance

    Supreme Court’s gay cake case is about a lack of religious tolerance0

    • November 21, 2017

    This June, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The facts of the case are similar to the Oregon one: a same-sex couple tries to buy a custom-decorated wedding cake from a business owned by a Christian baker; they were refused based on the bakers’ religious beliefs. Both couples asked their states’ civil rights agencies to prosecute the offending bakers. Both prosecutions were upheld by state courts.

  • Rob Responds to Editorial Praising Order Forcing Baker to Make Same-Sex Wedding Cake0

    • August 23, 2015

    The following response to a Denver Post editorial first appeared in the Aug. 23, 2015 Denver Post. Are those signs that say “no shirts/no service” now illegal? Your August 14 editorial endorses a court ruling forcing a baker—at the cost of his livelihood!—to assist conduct his religious faith says is immoral. “Commercial establishments can’t pick