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  • Note to gentrifying Denver: You can’t always live where you want, but…

    Note to gentrifying Denver: You can’t always live where you want, but…0

    • June 27, 2017

    by Jon Caldara Hey millennials. Pardon my penchant for old fogey music, but as The Rolling Stones said, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find, you get what you need.” That includes housing. So stop whining. Yes, I get it. If you’re young and childless, it’s

  • Using Disparate Impact to Restore Housing Affordability and Property Rights in Colorado

    Using Disparate Impact to Restore Housing Affordability and Property Rights in Colorado0

    • March 17, 2017

    Fair-housing advocates should question policies that increase housing costs by intruding on private property rights. These include growth- management tools such as urban-growth boundaries, the use of eminent domain for economic development, rent control, inclusionary zoning, and excessive impact fees, all of which benefit a few at everyone else’s expense. In approving the disparate- impact doctrine, the Supreme Court has offered a tool to both affordable-housing advocates and property-rights advocates for undoing these rules and policies that make housing less affordable.

  • Littleton City Council moves to abolish its urban renewal authority

    Littleton City Council moves to abolish its urban renewal authority0

    • November 8, 2016

    From its origins as an effort to address legitimate slum and blight, URAs and TIF are now prime examples of cronyism and corporate welfare at the local level.