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  • Pot enforcement a waste of resources0

    • May 7, 2006

    Our national addiction to marijuana prohibition leads to astonishing numbers of marijuana arrests. So it’s worth asking why Colorado continues to participate in this misappropriation of valuable criminal justice resources.

  • Drug War Trumps Port Safety0

    • March 12, 2006

    The top objective of the U.S. Coast Guard’s anti-terrorism strategy is to protect what’s called the “U.S. Maritime Domain,” including American ports.

    But it is hard to take seriously the idea that ports are being effectively protected when the Coast Guard spent more tax dollars last year fighting the war on drugs than has been spent in total on port security since Sept. 11, 2001.

  • When Policies Go to Pot: Colorado Should Take Back Control of Intra-state Drug War Priorities0

    • December 8, 2005

    Like other American states, Colorado has long been dependent on federal assistance in carrying out illicit drug control policies. And as with most federal assistance to the states, federal tax dollars are accompanied by federal influence on local practices and priorities.