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  • Education Problems Not Due to Lack of Funding0

    • February 25, 2010

    Through years of steadily rising revenues, lawmakers and education officials have not had enough incentive to deal with the long-term structural challenges that drive costs upwards without improving results. It is unfair and unproductive to scapegoat taxpayers for this reality.

  • Colorado Schools and Association Release Time: Making the Privilege Accountable to Citizens0

    • February 12, 2010

    For the sake of public accountability and transparency, Colorado needs more effective oversight of education employee association leave. Through locally negotiated policies, many Colorado school districts grant release time privileges to local employee associations. Teachers and classified employees are excused from professional duties to serve extended periods as association officers or to spend particular days performing various association-related activities.

  • 2/3/100

    • February 3, 2010

    Newsletter February 3 2010