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  • The Most Radical Decision Ever?0

    • June 29, 2015

    This article first appeared in The American Thinker. A complete commentary on the same sex marriage case would take far more than a single short article. Accordingly, I offer only some discrete thoughts: * A big expansion of federal power. Many libertarians believe the courts should use the Fourteenth Amendment to protect rights unenumerated in

  • Two Overreaching GOP House Bills Show Why We Need a Convention of States0

    • May 17, 2015

    Two bills introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives show that whatever they may say on the campaign trail, many Republicans in Congress don’t have much more respect for federalism, states’ rights, or local control than Democrats do. These two bills also demonstrate, if further demonstration be needed, that Congress has broken almost all constitutional

  • New Origination Clause Article Now Published0

    • May 2, 2015

    The Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy has now published my article on the Origination Clause. That’s the article documenting the research that found—contrary to all expectations—that the taxes in Obamacare were validly adopted. But it also found that the regulations and appropriations in Obamacare were invalidly adopted. You can read a summary of