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Author's Posts

  • Humorist P. J. O’Rourke this week

    Humorist P. J. O’Rourke this week0

    These last several weeks have been super serious, so we’re sitting down to laugh with legendary political satirist P.J. O’Rourke. Some of my fave P. J. truisms: The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says

  • Damage Around our Offices after Riots0

    Years ago, when we bought our headquarters building, nicknamed the Freedom Embassy, we had many goals. Among those goals was to be close to the state capitol in Denver, so that we and our center-right allies could have more access and influence with lawmakers. This beachhead in enemy territory —there are scores of left-wing outfits

  • Help Energize our Economy with a Tax Cut!

    Help Energize our Economy with a Tax Cut!0

    This week, we at Independence started a petition drive for a very big idea in the form of a tiny, little tax cut. Why? We must energize our economy. And in order to do that people need to be able to use more of their own money. It’s time to lower taxes and get people

  • When Drinking Good Wine is Illegal, Only Outlaws….

    When Drinking Good Wine is Illegal, Only Outlaws….0

    Often the left has used this quote while chanting “dissent is patriotic,” as they burn flags and lay down in middle of streets. By contrast, real civil disobedience today is opening your business, hiring people, and paying your taxes. One brave winery owner heeded the wise words of Jefferson and opened her business in defiance of government overreach. Forget the


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