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  • Helping kids while stepping on penguins

    Helping kids while stepping on penguins0

    • March 16, 2018

    As I am typing this email one of our Independence Institute freedom fighters is in Antarctica running with penguins. Literally. Sadly, one of the bonds I share with Todd Lubas, our Director of Strategic Partnerships, is the loss of a loved one to a rare cancer. As you know, I lost my daughter Parker just

  • Celebrate Colorado turning into California on April 26th!

    Celebrate Colorado turning into California on April 26th!0

    • March 7, 2018

    Hello from sunny California! Since the machinery of the Left in Colorado is working so hard to turn our Liberty-loving Colorado into California, we figure we ought to celebrate it! If politics, pop culture, and the transition of Colorado to California sound like fun evening banter, join me and David Harsanyi, (formerly with The Denver

  • Must See TV: Laura on Laura

    Must See TV: Laura on Laura0

    • February 28, 2018

    Let’s be honest. Pretend gun-free zones aren’t safe. But if we have the will, there is a way to save the lives of teachers and students. One woman is on a mission to do just that – Laura Carno, Executive Director of our partner organizations Coloradans for Civil Liberties and FASTERColorado.com. Laura is a relentless advocate for FASTER

  • How Colorado Republicans stole your Trump tax cut

    How Colorado Republicans stole your Trump tax cut0

    • February 21, 2018

    Did you know that a group of Republicans in the Colorado State Senate stole the tax cut that Donald Trump and the U.S. congressional Republicans worked to give us? While our federal taxes go down under the Trump cuts, our “adjusted taxable income” line item on our federal tax forms go up. And since Colorado

  • My compromise offer to the politically correct

    My compromise offer to the politically correct0

    • February 16, 2018

    In our hyper-sensitive culture, where it’s not what you say but the words you use to say it, enough Americans needed to elect a president proved they’re sick and tired of feeling censored. Middle America voters can only be told their white-privileged micro-aggressions are triggering some victim’s oppression so often before Trump’s crudeness becomes a welcome and needed relief.

  • The Republican grand betrayal that just keeps getting worse

    The Republican grand betrayal that just keeps getting worse0

    • February 2, 2018

    President Donald Trump and the Republican congress just gave us a large tax cut. But Colorado’s Republican-controlled state Senate had already taken it away. To comprehend how that’s possible, we need to understand the largest betrayal of Republican values in Colorado political history: the tax-hiking, debt-raising, TABOR-busting Senate Bill 267, sponsored by Republican state Sen.