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Colorado's Homeschool Law Turns Twenty: The Battle Should Not Be Forgotten

Colorado families have not always enjoyed the freedom in homeschooling that currently exists. Education Policy Center Research Associate Marya DeGrow has thoroughly documented the struggles Colorado homeschool families faced in the early- to mid-1980s. For example, Colorado regulations required the use of state-approved curriculum and some parents were taken to court by their local school districts.

In 1988 the legislature passed a law that removed the jurisdiction of homeschooling from local school districts and the state and put it in the hands of parents. Learn more about the history behind the law and reasons to remain vigilant in its defense in Colorado’s Homeschool Law Turns Twenty: The Battle Should Not Be Forgotten.

Click here to listen to a podcast with the author and homeschool mom Treon Goossen, “citizen sponsor” of the 1988 homeschool law.